
Staying accountable

The older I get; the more accountability matters to me. Not that it didn't matter before – it did – but perhaps accountability feels rarer in today's fast-paced world?  In this article, I look to hold myself accountable by revisiting some of the topics I've written about over...

Embracing the bright side of population decline

Population decline is something of a hot topic at the moment, and it's not difficult to see why. Over the last few years, a growing body of research has shown that global population growth is slowing down and will likely drop into negative territory within...

Baby bust: Will infertility shape Australia’s future?

Let's talk about the 1%. No, not that 1%. Not "the top 1%" wealthiest people, a phrase popularised by the Occupy Wall Street Movement. I mean a different 1%. The world is heading for a baby bust, and it has a lot to do with the...

Avoiding the Generation Blame Game

"OK boomer" You probably recognise the phrase. Among some Millennials, Generation Zers and maybe even Gen Alphas, it's the verbal equivalent of an eye-roll. A way for young people to breezily dismiss the attitudes and opinions of Baby Boomers who they disagree with (or with whom...

Working with my husband…

Last time I posted, I focused on how my working life had changed since moving into a Chairman role at Affinity Capital and joining forces with my husband to run Staude Capital. I promised then, that next time, I’d talk more about working with one’s...

New beginnings

Over a year has passed since I last updated my blog. That's not because I've had nothing to say, we all know that's impossible! On the contrary, the last two years have brought significant professional changes that have kept me completely immersed. With great change often...