
Founder and Chairman of Affinity Capital

Director at Staude Capital

Head of Corporate Affairs at The Global Value Fund

Published Author and Enterprising Woman of the Year Award 2016 winner

I work in the financial markets and have done for almost two decades. Honesty, integrity and ethics are key values I’m committed to putting at the centre of everything I do in both my personal and professional pursuits.

Over almost two decades, I have developed a wealth of international experience and expertise in financial services, having spent the first 12 years of my career working on the trading floors of some of the world’s most recognised investment banks.

Since 2011, I have run my own financial services business, Affinity Capital. I have now moved into a Chairman role at Affinity and at the same time, I have joined the board of Staude Capital. In addition, I have taken on the role of Head of Corporate Affairs at The Global Value Fund.

I am passionate about diversity, equality, education and ensuring that investors have access to the very best investments. Staude Capital, Affinity Capital and The Global Value Fund are all companies that offers these rare attributes in spades.

My support for diversity and equality doesn’t stop in the workplace. I’m a strong advocate for many charitable causes, especially ones that prevent animal and child cruelty, tackle environmental problems or promote more sustainable food sources.

Staying accountable

The older I get; the more accountability matters to me. Not that it didn’t matter before – it did – but perhaps accountability feels rarer in today’s fast-paced world?  In this article, I look to hold myself accountable by revisiting some of the topics I’ve written about......

Embracing the bright side of population decline

Population decline is something of a hot topic at the moment, and it’s not difficult to see why. Over the last few years, a growing body of research has shown that global population growth is slowing down and will likely drop into negative territory within......

Baby bust: Will infertility shape Australia’s future?

Let’s talk about the 1%. No, not that 1%. Not “the top 1%” wealthiest people, a phrase popularised by the Occupy Wall Street Movement. I mean a different 1%. The world is heading for a baby bust, and it has a lot to do with......

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

– Brené Brown


My Book

Published my first book titled 'Affinity Capital: Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction Put to Good Use'

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My History

Who is Emma Davidson? This section delves deeper into some of my biggest personal and professional achievements.

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Explore a range of sophisticated topics in-depth by reading a selection of my published whitepapers.

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Learn more about my key areas of expertise through videos, presentations, speeches and other resources.

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