Maximising Value Through Excellence

How to approach the new age of investing

Many factors continue to shape the world in which we live, such as globalisation, the evolution of technology and sociodemographic shifts that have seen millennials become the largest living group in history.

These and other trends mean that the investment landscape is changing – and we at Affinity Capital don’t believe the old way of doing things results in the best outcomes for clients or the financial services industry as a whole.

What do we mean by the ‘old way’? Emma Davidson, Director and CEO of Affinity Capital, believes businesses in the past have focused on the hard sell. That means the slickest salesmen promoting the best products with the shiniest brochures.

“The new world is the user’s experience and what actually works for them in the context of their financial situation,” she explains.

Over the years, Affinity has encountered the hard sell approach many times, and we feel this is a key reason why investors are often sceptical of structured products.

In fact, we don’t even like to use the word ‘product’ when discussing structured investments because it somehow implies something to sell. That’s because we tailor each of our offerings specifically to our clients’ individual investment objectives and risk appetite. We feel our way of working with partners flips the traditional hard sell on its head.

A new way of approaching structured investments

One of our main aims at Affinity is to ensure our clients are as educated as possible regarding structured investments. We work with people and organisations that have varying degrees of interest and knowledge about financial markets.

“Just because someone is wealthy or a company is large or a fund manager has billions of assets under management doesn’t mean they automatically understand the intricate details of protected structured investments,” Emma says.

We want to change the way investors look at structured investments and begin a global conversation around the benefits they can have for portfolios and businesses.

To ensure investors get the most out of structured investments, Affinity promotes:

  • Independent modelling and pricing;
  • Automated administration;
  • Lifecycle monitoring;
  • Reasonable fees; and
  • A dedicated and experienced team of professionals working to educate investors

We believe that with this winning combination, investors can enrich their portfolios without taking on unnecessary risk.

If you’d like to learn more about structured investments and how they can provide capital-protected returns, please click here. You can also see more of our videos explaining Affinity Capital’s approach by visiting our video library.